*Terms and Conditions apply.
Want to learn more, here's A Step By Step Guide and Collectible FAQs!
Make history with us
When purchasing a CHXCO CLUB digital collectible, each transaction is recorded on the blockchain, almost like a digital receipt, which can never get adjusted and is written in the virtual history books forever. So, when you own one of our collectibles you will directly be a part of CHXCO history!
To find out more, check out our Collectible FAQs.
Own a collectible
You will be the rightful owner to one of our collectibles with full transparency for all to view, there are websites available to verify this.
Get Priority
Once a verified owner, you will get priority into the future plans of CHXCO CLUB. As we continue to grow, we will start to unravel these.
Current benefits include:
15% discount off all CHXCO CLUB merchandise - See our Collectible FAQs on how to claim
Get 3x the standard commission rate in our Affiliate Program
We are a brand that is all about making a positive impact in the world. By owning one of our digital collectible, you hold a token of that essence.
We have more information about this, here Social Impact.
A step By step guide
Here's A Step By Step Guide to getting your CHXCO CLUB digital collectible!
PLEASE NOTE: This information should only be used as a guide and should not considered as financial advice. We would recommend you do your own further research into this before making any purchases.
First, open up a crypto wallet
In order to purchase a CHXCO CLUB collectible, you will need a crypto wallet to hold your funds and to identify you as the owner. There are many wallets out there to use, but the one we will be explaining here is the MetaMask wallet and for your web browser.

1. Head over to https://metamask.io

3. Click "Install MetaMask for Chrome", click "Add to Chrome" then click "Add extension"

5. Click "Get Started", once you're happy with the terms click "Create A Wallet"

7. You will be presented with your seed phrase (a 12 word sequence used to help you recover your account or back it up).
IMPORTANT: DO keep a note of your seed phrase or download and keep it in safe location, but do NOT show or share your seed phrase with anyone!

2. Download MetaMask - compatible with Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Edge and Opera.

4. Once downloaded, the MetaMask icon should appear in your extension, top right under the puzzle piece.

6. Choose a password according to the MetaMask guidelines, once you agree to the terms, click "Create" and there you have it - you have opened you have opened up your own MetaMask wallet!
8. After confirming your seed phrase, you're all done! You can change your account name.
second, fund your account
Open up your MetaMask extension, log in and you'll be able to buy, sell or swap cryptocurrency into your wallet.
To buy a CHXCO CLUB NFT you will need to fund your account with Ether (ETH). Make sure to have enough to cover the cost of our collectible and any gas fees that may occur (this is outside of our control). We cover what gas fees are in our Collectible FAQs.
third, own your very own chxco club collectible!
Once your account is funded, you're all ready to go! Head over to https://mint.chxcoclub.com using a safe browser. Click connect to log into your wallet, choose how many CHXCO CLUB collectibles you'd like to own and go through the MetaMask instructions.
fourth, view your chxco!
Congratulations on holding one of our collectibles!
After all has gone through, head over to OpenSea to see your CHXCO! It can take a few minutes and you may need to refresh your page.
safety is key!
Here are some extra safety precautions:
Always do your own extra research before making any purchases
Get yourself a ledger - a hard wallet adding extra security
Make transactions on a safe browser
Keep your seed phrase in a safe place
Never share your seed phrase
Never share your password
Never click on unofficial links
Collectible faqs
We have answered some of the most frequently asked questions!
PLEASE NOTE: This information should only be used as a guide and should not considered as financial advice. We would recommend you do your own further research into this before making any purchases.
What is a non-fungible token?
Our CHXCO CLUB digital collectibles in the form of NFTs, which is short for non-fungible tokens. It is essentially a digital asset stored and recorded on the blockchain (explained below) with a unique identification code. This code can never be changed or deleted and because of this, you will be able to see who is the original owner of one of our digital collectibles.
What is the blockchain?
A blockchain is a decentralised ledger (record keeping system) that offers the facility for us to process, record and track digital transactions. We have chosen to store our digital collectibles on the Ethereum blockchain - this means that when you buy a CHXCO CLUB NFT, the data or "digital receipt" will be stored on the Ethereum blockchain which is public for all to see. Due to the blockchain we are on, it means transactions will also have to be made in the Ether (ETH) cryptocurrency, we have written more about this in the "What Is Ether (ETH)?" FAQ!
What are cryptocurrencies?
Cryptocurrencies are virtual, encrypted and decentralised moneys used as a means of exchange. It is only used electronically and has no physical form like coins or paper money does. Unlike the money we use in our day to day lives, cryptocurrencies can circulate without central authority like the bank. Each cryptocurrency transaction is recorded on the blockchain that cannot be edited or erased.
What is ETHER (ETH)?
The Ethereum blockchain runs on the cryptocurrency Ether (ETH). As mentioned above, it is used as a means of exchange. As our NFTs are on the Ethereum blockchain, it does mean that you will need ETH in order to own our collectibles.
What are gas fees?
A gas fee is a blockchain transaction fee to fulfil the service on the network. Gas prices can fluctuate depending on how busy the network is, how demanding the transactions are and the price of Ether (ETH).
how do i buy a chxco club collectible?
We've put together A Step By Step Guide to make the process a simple one for you!
What benefits do i get for buying a CHXCO CLUB NFT?
Check out the benefits here!
how do I claim my discount as a holder?
In order to claim your 15% discount on CHXCO CLUB merchandise, you will need to verify yourself as a holder within our Discord in the channel #collabland-join. You will then gain access to our members only channel, the CHXCO Safe House. Once this has been completed and you are verified, open up a support ticket to request your code. A member of the team will send you a one-time use code. As long as you're a holder, you'll be able to request another code once that code has been used.
PLEASE NOTE: The code can only be associated to one e-mail address provided from the holder. Should there be a change in your e-mail address, please make a member of the team aware of this change, in order to prevent the risk of losing your member benefit.
Under no circumstances can this code be shared nor given to any other individual(s).